happs h-ween
hope that you had a lovely activity-based weekend, if that's in fact what you were after. today's the real day, and i'm spending a scaaarrryyy eveniiiing with ex-roombo, megan o'neill, watching movies and making cupcakes.
happy sights over the weekend included:
mork (sans mindo)
janet leigh in psycho (shower curtain and all)
the hottest indiana jones i've ever seen, indiana jones included (who is hot)
the bunny from donny darko (creeps)
substitute teacher (kick me sign, paper airplane in hair)
on saturday night, i skipped the ubiqutious improv party and went to an old-school haunted house with a few friends. it was some of the most fun i've had in recent memory.
i don't scare easily (i think this is addressed in the corn-maze post), but i sure did on saturday. this house had it all - an asylum, a clown room, a deliverance/children of the corn room, a haunted elevator, a pit of darkness, a matrix-y mechanical room, and an alien vortex - you had to walk through a funhouse rotating tube in blacklight, except the bridge was lopsided too. (just thinking about it makes me want to barf. at one point, common sense overtook and i screamed "CLOSE YOUR EYES!"; we think that's the only thing that got us through.)
something funny about being scared -beside the fact that people pay for the feeling - is that part of your real personality comes out when you get there. robyn norris, one of the house-ees, was the perfect scare. she had the horror film high-pitched yelp, and cowered in corners and jumped into arms. i found out when i'm scared, i get really indignant and angry. at one point a hunchbacked man came up to me with some kind of saudering tool, and scraped the grated floor with it so sparks flew EVERYWHERE, in a trail. he growled and gave me creep face. scared, i defensively barked "why would you do that?!", followed by "what is this supposed to mean to me?! am i supposed to follow you?!?", and he smiled a little and nodded his head. now that line has made me the mockery of my friends.
it's gotta say something about you, the way you act when terrified.
at least i didn't piss myself.