td's favorite things, part II
what is better than this guy?
so, yeah. i grew up catholic. more honestly, i grew up italian, so i was constantly inundated in catholicism. how's that? my dad was anti-church, but was also DAGO #1 in any sopranos episode. so, even though italian-cath stuff was all around us, my family didn't go to church for a long while. then i noticed everyone at my public school had started ccd, and i wanted a piece of that action, so i asked to go check it out for myself. how precocious, you crazy 4th grader! my mom and i went back. i liked it. it was neat and reflective and ritualistic and god was fun. long story short, when i turned 17ish, as i went to catholic hs, i started doubting everything. then, church didn't make much sense anymore. and even though i love the ritual of church, and i believe in something, i sure don't know what it is. i'm more of a believer in reverse; i definitely know what i don't believe, so the cancelled out leaves me the known.
mother of sweet jesu bambino, i recently finished the entire series of Six Feet Under. simply said,
aah, a friday night. a typical one would consist of Baby Wants Candy at 8pm, and then Athens at iO at 10:30. not today, friends. thisssss girrrrl took a night off for some recoup. it was necessary, believe me.
last night i reffed a CSz4kids show in buffalo grove. it was really fun and the kids were out of their minds, doped on sugar and rounds of tag. as the ref, you sort of have to facilitate a balance of "it's okay to be rowdy" and "hey, fucks, i'm still in control". i think this happened. at one point, deanna thought i might have been lord-of-the-flies-ed, just pieces of ref jersey and whistles surfacing out of the mob.
this is why youtube is the coolest thing in the world. you can find anything.
i have an unlimited text package.
right before the superbowl, art norman from nbc5 came to comedysportz.
i really blew it!
the good part about living in chicago in the winter is when it finally hits like, 21 degrees outside, you feel like spring is here. today is one of those days. last week, on several occasions, the temp was 0 or -4 without wind chill. it's a balmy 39 degrees today, and people don't know what to do. everyone is out in hypercolors and jams. also, it's 1987.
man. it bad that when i heard about anna nicole smith i thought, wow, someone really swept a death pool?
the party (joey, sam, robyn, tim, hanson, forsythe, prouters, rance & deanna) and i all played a game called MAD GAB to up our spirits a bit during the game on sunday. the game is a box of cards with (often, but not always) recognizable phrases that are chopped up into different words that when put together, then resemble the real phrase. (the title of this post would be "Grossman sucks dick".) you repeat the words over and over again, and eventually, the words begin to sound like the recognizable phrase. or sometimes, to the person saying them they don't - but to everyone else in the room, they do.
well, the superbowl was this last sunday as we all remember - and though the hopes and dreams of superfans everywhere were squelched, we all still had a good time. roommates and i threw a little bears-bash at our apartment, all happy to be inside our safe confines instead of out and about in wrigleyville in the -2 temps.