pictionary, part 5000
lots of SC shows last week all over, including one for bizco at a museum benefit. sheryl burton was a host of the evening, who was super nice and pretts and had killer shoes on. seriously, how do people do it? joan cusack was also present, and it was neat and strange to be standing behind a curtain with her an inch away.
one of my favorite things in the world that others hate is to do a scene called Pictionary. here's tom flanigan lamenting that we have to do it again. it's an oldie but a goodie, relying heavily on the aren'tmenandwomendiffffferennnnt? muscle, but it's well written and fun to do. it's a scene that is nearly impossible to blow but also hard to completely ace. you can't be "too-too", as my mom says. it has to be just right. i like really noticing when an audience gets it as you perform it nearly every bizco. all audiences are the same. it's a study.
comedy study.
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