Sunday, January 27, 2008

there's only one october

so, yeah. let's finish october.

i got to play a comedysportz remote - that was fun, and got to hang with some pals. i think this remote was downtown somewhere, and i don't remember for who, but i do remember prouty, blanders, and rizzutto were on it. this never happens, so, yeah. i was stoked. show was fun, it was nice to be home, blahblah.

so, we went to loras college in dubuque, IA, on october 26th. i'm pretty sure this marked our last tour out with haskins on the road, so we wanted to have some fun. none of us knew what to expect from dubuque, but i'll tell ya, we were pleasantly surprised. there was an incline! there were candy shops and free t-shirts and an old place with a working train set that shad almost cried at! it was nearly heaven.

we were only slightly bummed to be away from the city on partytown halloween night - the friday before, when several improv parties happen. this was good and bad - halloween seemed to spread itself for many more days than were necessary this past year, but we were bummed to not hang with pals when we returned the next day. these are the downsides of touring, i supposed - but look at the upsides!:

this remarkable bar, a hole in the wall with so many locals it'd make your head spin. we quickly befriended the bartender (a cool broad who we mistakenly called karen all night who hated people, but then loved us and made us grilled cheese after we put on "suspicious minds") and a woman named connie i believe (who played a video slot machine and had the voice of a thousand cigarettes). they made our lives better and more insane, respectively.

who knew?
we then came home to do a matinee, say goodbye to the soon-moving sarah, watch the red sox win the world series, and get adjusted to some home time again.


Blogger atomic00 said...

haha "...voice of a thousand cigarettes" my friends and I were talking about someone who I deal with that sounds like that, only I am much less fond of mine.

12:07 AM  
Blogger tara d. said...

i don't know if i'd say "fond", more than i'd say "astounded by".

9:30 PM  

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