on the road again...
this week (sept 18th-23rd), our tour takes us through some random places: clarksville, tennessee and double stops in indiana. some of these were "no f" shows, a show where we have to literally not say fuck, but anything else goes. i will never understand this rule, because we say much worse things in this particular show than the f-bomb.
here's me, in our greenroom in tennessee, post a scene called "dirty baghdad". you're welcome.
this trip was a driving tour, as the others have mostly been all month, and we made the best of a nine hour drive to clarksville by lots of road bits (pretty much going after shad), a fun stop here and there (see metropolis, ky, right), and grazing at meghan teal's favorite chain restaurant, outback. outback was just the reprieve we needed from a long drive down - a little food that tasted semi-real, and gave lehrer a chance to hit on a cute waitress moving to LA to become an actress* (standard).
in clarksville, lehrer and i taught a workshop to the kids of Austin Peay College, my first with SC TourCo on the road. it was a blast. the kids were theatre/arts kids and were super hungry to learn about improv and stuff. michael and i asked them where to go later, and they told us about a bar on a little college strip they went to, so most of BlueCo joined them there that night after the show. cute.
during our lunch outing before the show, though, the thing that will stick with me most from this trip - we had a delightful server named Angie at a pub we went to on the same strip as the bar. teal and i were both wearing SC shirts to lunch, and she got excited to see some chicago people in the tavern. she told us she was moving there soon, and that she had lived there a while back. she started to get choked up and immediately apologized. aimee grabbed her hand and the rest of us quickly snapped from bits mode to compassion. "i'm so sorry," she said, as she wiped tears of her cheeks, "my husband is being deployed tomorrow morning. he just came in for lunch and it just started hitting me." her vulnerability was super endearing and we told her we'd love to take care of her once she moved to the city again, something she was doing in the 18 months her husband would be away. we gave her a number and meant it when we said for her to call. i hope she's doing well now.
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