Monday, July 23, 2007

sold out in state cap

my first road show with blueco as an official member was july 7th. though he has another home show left, this also sadly happened to be jordan's last time on the road, so we did everything up right.

the show for 300 was super fun - the house had a lot of energy and liked everything. blueco is quickly getting a name for itself on being the "most political" company, primarily from the direction of david pompeii. it's fun to be relatively edgy for a touring comp, so we've sort of basked in how ridiculous that is. i had to sing a song from the SC show Red Scare called "Big Spender", a song where i belt out some mean (yet true) shit about GDubs. i got a partial standing o (rare!) and one boo (fun). i guess that one booer feels pretty stupes.
the ryders (tim's parents) and some friends came. they were fun to visit with after the show.

in other news, we had to drain a huge jug of ernest and julio gallo wine for a scene called faux pas, so we poured the wine into water bottles and chugged it all after our show was done, squirting it down our gullets. uh-oh, someone was drunk fast at the college bar we ended up at! good thing there's not much to do in the state cap but stumble home drunky in a cute pedway.
blueco 1
jug 0


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