moon over my hammies
you guys, i think i did something bad to my back/hamstros.
in new year mode, i redesigned my room to have the bed away from the windows, which now has suddenly transformed my room into "adult". i talked to roommate tim about this, and he's with me. what is it about having your bed out of a corner that makes you 45?
anyway, when i was moving stuff around, i got agressive with my dad's old heavbot desk, and YOW!, i am in pain. i went to the gym the last two days to stretch and jog and strengthen, but nothing is helping... not ibuprof, not rest, not noth. luckily, on-again-off-again (we can joke about this, right?...right? OH GOD) boyf rich got me a deep-tish massage for c-mas. yes! usually, i'd save that for a real rainy day, but due to circs, i'm using it after one more attempt stretching at the gym this morning.
any other home remedies i should know about?
Get really angry, hulk out. When you awaken somewhere with torn jeans you will feel better.
tom, everybody. having absolutely nothing to do with anything. but i do like the use of "tish", always.
you're speaking my lang.
thank you guys for the help. chrissy, that really did the trick, and so did the massage. i woke up yesterday and my knee was f-ed now. i mean, BAD. what the fuck?
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