september show down
the week of sept 24-30th was merciless.
the 23rd brought us a day of travel, and the 24th gave us the homeshow and a rehearsal, leaving us just enough time to squeeze in a half day or so of overnight laundry and maybe seeing a friend or sig other for a handful of minutes. the homeshow was fun to do and made us feel slightly connected after almost a full month of touring our show. the crowd was appreciative and kind; this homeshow also was david pompeii's quick last, which sucked.
i'll get to that later.
but first... the first day of travel. the 25th took us to rhinelander, wisconsin, about a six hour drive from chicago. none of us really knew where we were heading, but were pleasantly surprised as we headed north that the trees became everything you hope they will in september.
rhinelander was the site of our smallest venue of the month, Nicolet College. The theatre held about 250, which honestly, is still a lot of freaking people. once you get used to big cavernous spaces, though, that feels almost like an intimate cabaret. we were hungry for the chance to actually see the faces of the people in the audience, so it was nice to set the space.
nicer than the actual show itself was the scenery. come on, just look at this shit. incred. incred.
we pulled up in our big blue van and took in all the surroundings, and walked into the frank lloyd-wright-y theatre. the only thing that could make this better would be a lake or something, we all mused. oh, there's one right out back!, our contact proclaimed. feel free to check it out.
fall. fall, y'all.
Still lovin the updates. Hey, are you guys coming to Banff in November, or would that be one of the other Second City groups?
thanks, jenny! yes, it's another tourco, but still the old chicago crew. i think it is greenco... i'll check on that.
Coolio - I might actually be doing a support stand-up spot for that event (it's a charity , I'm still waiting to get confirmation) but either way I'm really excited that SC is coming to Banff!
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