Thursday, May 11, 2006

may showers may bring flowers

it's been raining here for at least 12 hours or so. i kind of like it. not all the time, but now.

i have a few friends that are flooded right now; too many projects, personal problems, confusion in relationships, emotional overloads, that sort of thing. self-included, as evidenced by a little stress-migraine last night. i'm hoping it washes away soon, and as bad as the metaphor is, the rain feels right to me right now. wash it!

a pal of mine was saying how much she likes a good cry (universal to people who have souls), because it's like cleaning out an infected wound. i like that, though it's sort of nast. i realized the other day that i hadn't cried in like, 4 months, and then everything started making me cry. list of cry-bot explosions: a friend's blog about their aging grandma, my cat being a dong, and 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter. it was just in me.

this too shall pass. i'm gonna go splash in some puddles. that was fun before you worried about getting wet. no more worries.

sidebar: friends, i have a free night and i'm making time for a tiny hang out before i leave for SC BlueCo tomorrow. let's go to dinner or something. want to? write or call or texxxt.


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