Tuesday, January 24, 2006

theatrical experience and hootenanny

last night, i went to play the match game at iO as one of the improv celebs. it was a really, really fun show. lots of bits and it clipped along nicely, and i got to hold up a sign that read "douchebag", which evoked cheers from the house.

i got there a little early, though, and was pleased to see my roommate doing armando. armando, other friends, is a long-form improv show that is on monday nights that was known for featuring heavy-hitters back in the day, that many people from classes come and watch for good example. it's a fun show and draws a very passionate audience, and my roommate does tech for it every week.

i don't know if he reads this or not, but i just want to give him a shout out for truly respecting the legacy of this show. he wanted to play, they asked him this week, he played, did well, and couldn't have been more excited. there's something to be said for someone that has that much regard for a show, whether it's for it's past or in it's present, instead of just plowing through, like we're all able to do. it reminded me to be thankful for performing. it's really the coolest thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I'm sure the IO version is funny and entertaining, I found the original Match Game one of the flimsiest game shows in the history of television. Incredibly subjective, the show centered entirely around whether contestants could come up with the same random answers as possibly-inebriated celebrities.

I mean, if the question is, "Hillary said, 'I don't trust that new doctor, he painted temperature marks on his BLANK and tried to use it as a thermometer," who's to say that "finger" is a better answer than "tongue?" Who do you think you ARE, Brett Somers? What about you, Richard Dawson, you son of a bitch? The hell with them.

2:16 PM  

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