Tuesday, September 13, 2005

lock-in, lock-out / sunrise, sunset

on monday night, the four people to your left had a show for the hillel house at northwestern university, here in evanston.

peops: self, robyn, heat, and martin.

the show?: stellar. near dirty, probably InnuendoSportz, but the perfect crowd for that kind of thing. brown-bags were flying and bits were hot. we broke about 93 times.*

(*for anyone not in comedy, i blew it! i just realized this paragraph makes no sense, so here: brown-bag = foul called if something said is dirty within mostly clean CSz show; bits= jokes, "breaking"= laughing at someone in the scene by accident while in the scene.)

but the aftermath was even better than the show. window: on "remotes", we meet on-site at csz (or other theatre) and leave together. you then drive to the location, meet the contact, do the sound check, eat "light snacks" (i.e. slim jims and melonballs), and wait in a green room until you hear jock jams start playing (all theatres use jock jams). (this is a joke.)

our green room was a pretty conference room that was fully windowed on campus, overlooking lawns and part of lake michigan. we loved it a ton. i implied that it'd be fun to have a lock-in on-site. might be fun. you know, a slumber p! like old times! at a place we shouldn't be at! just like from the mixed up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler! please! someone! do! this! with! me!

everyone was in.

that never happens - at least, doesn't usually happen. believe me, i try to do things like this often, mostly because i am admittedly dumb (see: "make it count" theory as of late). why would you want to do this? heather (pictured right) and martin (below) both have day jobs. but get this: they were both game. our plan? to hide in the conference room and get left in the facility, so that we could run around all night, play dancedance revolution, spin the bottle, have a goodoltimenightjam. we finished the show (again, fun), which made us want to stay even more. so we stayed.

problem? a Lady in Pink (LiP) and another henchwoman came around with keys and told us they had to lock the room. why didn't we plan for this? you should've seen this team crumble. we didn't expect it (school sessions aren't in), and we basically muttered "okay" and pouted our way to the lobby. when we got to the lobby, second search begun of where to hide. in that nook? behind that wall? in the snack store?

again, another encounter with LiP + hench. we knew as she was kicking someone out of the studysnack area that we were doomed. we ushered ourselves out of the building, and at this point noticed the HUGE vice-locks on the door that lock from the inside - essentially, they looked like "the club" for a campus building. we then felt relatively thankful that we weren't inside.

at this point, we considered sleeping next to a bike rack all night, but after consideration, finally figured we'd just make the best of it and have a good time for whatever time it lasted. we threw our things in the car, and heather took us on a whirlwind tour of campus (she went there).

highlights beyond this point:
*going to hillel house for ice cream (we were invited) but showing up an hour too late; cowering outside and feeling like nerds, then being seen through window
*hopping on campus shuttle and asking to essentially be dropped off where we started
*martin writing note to college hot girls at front of shuttle (pictured right), throwing it at them at exit, then all of us running. note read: "Meet me at 1800 club at 3am. I'm a virgin. r u?" --->
*sitting on rocks by lake for long while talking late, during nearly perfect night

i know, we're all adults, and we have real jobs and priorities... zzz!
letting go of that for a little is the best there is.

slumber p?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slumber p?? I'm always in!!! This was the best night ever... also i'm sorry i look like such a douchebad with beard/scraggle, how embarrassing. no hot college girl would ever de-virginize me looking like I do!

ps - we did not get any light snacks.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Chidester said...

Man...this sounds like it was a great time.

I wish someone could have sent a mass text to me about this.


1:39 PM  
Blogger Zach said...


1:44 PM  
Blogger tara d. said...

marto, you're not scragglepuss! you ARE, however, a douchebag. ....a douchebag that isn't a virg anymore!

thank you, wildcats!

12:01 PM  
Blogger tara d. said...

aw, dudes. plenty more times to come. love you.

12:02 PM  
Blogger eileen said...

i loved the mixed-up files of mrs. BEF and always wanted to get stuck somewhere overnight, preferably a department store with big comfy display beds. sounds like you guys had a blast.

9:37 PM  

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